Basic movement with/without the ball - Set of movements carried out by a player on court.

Bouncing the ball - Rebounding the ball from the court.

Catching the ball - Take hold of the ball after a pass from another player.

Centre back (CB) - A player positioned largely around the midcourt who initiates the offensive play, shoots or tries to penetrate the defense; also called a "playmaker".

Changing direction - Altering the position towards which someone moves.

Court referee (CR) - Referee behind the attacking team watching for any defensive or offensive fouls by the court players or any possession violations.

Goal line referee (GR) - Referee on the outer goal line who watches for any violations and verifies if the ball completely crossed the goal line for a goal.

Goalkeeper - A player positioned inside the goalkeeping area who is – opposed to field players – allowed to use his legs.

Handling the ball - Dribbling, catching or passing the ball.

Left back (LB) - A player positioned on the left hand side of the  middle back carrying out action in the second line of the attack.

Left-handed player - Player using and throwing with his left hand.

Left wing (LW) - A player positioned on the left side of the court.

Line player (LP) - Playing position in attack. A player who is active largely around the six-metre line among the defenders; also called "pivot".

EHF Officials - There are up to five officials controlling and administering an EHF handball game: two referees, a timekeeper, a scorekeeper, an EHF observer and an EHF supervisor.

Playing positions - The seven playing positions are: goalkeeper, left wing, left back, middle back, line player, right back and right wing.

Passing the ball - Throwing the ball to another player from the team.

Piston movement - Basic attacking movement by moving continuously forwards and backwards.

Right back (RB) - A player positioned on the right hand side of the  middle back carrying out action in the second line of the attack.

Rebound - The ball bouncing back after e.g. hitting the bar of the goal.

Right-handed player - Player using and throwing with his right hand.

Right wing (RW) - A player positioned on the right side of the court.

Sidestepping - A technical element of the attacker’s basic movement executed by continually moving sideways mainly in width.

Throwing in the ball - Passing or shooting the ball.

Turning - Changing the direction or movement on court.

II. Defense

Blocking the ball - Basic defensive element: stopping a shot by using hands. Defensive strategy where a defender is assigned a Man marking specific opposition player to guard rather than covering an area of the court.

Getting the rebound - Catching the ball that bounces back after a shot.

Holding the opponent - Physical contact to stop the opponent’s movement towards a scoring opportunity.

Interception of the ball - Stop and catch the ball before it reaches a particular place (e.g. to intercept a pass).

Man-to-man defense systems - Opposed to zone defense, here the players try to mark the opponents closely and prevent them from even getting the ball.

Combined defense system - Player(s) in the defending team have man marking tasks, the others use a zone defense.

Stealing the ball - Taking ball possession when the opponent is holding or bouncing the ball.

Tackling - Physically holding the opponent in order to prevent shooting.

Zone defense systems -  Can be 6:0 (six players on the goal area line), 5:1 (5 players on the goal area line, one player in front of them), 4: 2, 3:2: 1 (open defense), 3:3, 1: 5 (open defense).

III. Offence

Combination - Set play with the activity of the players and the path of the ball determined.

Dribble the ball - Maneuvering the ball by bouncing it on the floor.

Extended fast break - Fast attack with first and second wave of players moves in another.

Fake run movement - The attacker pretends to run in one direction, but supported by the entire team. Tricking the opponent with a hand or body Faking movement, e.g. body fake, pass fake, shooting fake, rotation fake, etc.

Give-and-go - Offensive play that involves passing the ball (give) and then running (go) to an open spot to receive the ball back.

Shooting on goal - Throwing on goal with an overarm shot, side bend shot, underarm shot, falling jump shot, jump shot, jumping with both feet, etc.

Overarm shot - A shooting technique carried out with the arm moving above the shoulder level.

Underarm shot - A shooting technique carried out with the arm moving below shoulder level.

Jump shot - A shooting technique performed having the players feet off the floor.

Bounced shot - Shooting on goal with the ball hitting the floor on its way.

Spin shot - A type of shot with the ball changing direction when bounces back from the floor.

Tactics - A set of planned game elements to be used in attack and in defense by a team during the given game.

Throw through/over the wall - Overtime free throw with the defensive wall three meters from the shooting player.


3 meters from the thrower - The opponents are not allowed to stay closer than three meters to the player taking a free throw or throw-in.

3 steps - A player holding the ball is only allowed to make three steps, afterwards he has to dribble or pass the ball.

7m line - A line 7 metres from the goal marking the spot where the penalty throw is to be executed.

7m-shot / Penalty Direct shot taken from 7 metres. Form of throw punishment awarded for a foul when a player with the ball in his hand is fouled in clear scoring opportunity.

Assault - A forceful and deliberate attack against the body of another person.

Ball - Round object used in handball in different sizes for women and men and for the different age categories.

Bench for substitutes - A bench in the substitution area where the substitute players have to remain seated.

Centre line - Line cutting the court in two halves marking the spot of the throw off.

Centre of the court - The circle where the throw off is carried out.

Changing goalkeepers - The goalkeeper leaves court to be replaced by the substitute goalkeeper. This can occur during the game or before a penalty is executed.

Change of sides - After the halftime break (or sometimes after coin toss) the teams change sides.

Choice of sides - After the coin toss the teams are allowed to decide which side they want to have their substitution area and goal.

Coach - The head of the team who gives instructions, makes substitutions and creates the tactics during the game.

Coin toss - Before the match the referees carry out a coin toss to determine who will start the game and who can choose ends.

Court player - All the players except for the goalkeepers.

Cross the sideline - The ball leaves the playing court on the side.

Crossed the goal line - The ball is in the goal.

Disallowing a goal - The referee decides not to validate a score for any irregularity preceding it.

Disqualification - A player may be disqualified by the referees for a number of cases specified in the regulations. In this case the referee shows the player the red card and he cannot return on court for the remaining part of the game.

Endanger - To cause danger of injury to the opponent with any physical contact.

Equipment - The uniform and sports shoes of the players.

Exclusion - Exclusion may be given for assault and the excluded player's team has to play one player short for the rest of the game.

Final signal - The playing time ends with the automatic final signal from the scoreboard or from the timekeeper. If no such signal comes, the referee whistles to indicate that the playing time is over.

Foot - A foul when a player touches the ball with his foot or shin and the ball is given to the opponent team.

Forewarning signal - A signal that warns the teams that the time-out will end within ten seconds.

Fouls - Irregular action usually punished with a free throw.

Free throw - Free-throw is awarded by the referee for fouls or violations from the exact spot it took place.

Free throw line - Nine-meter line that the players have to leave before executing a free throw after a foul that occurred inside the nine-meter line.

Goal - The area marked by two posts and a crossbar on the two ends of the playing court.

Goal area - A D-shaped area six meters from the goal that is used only by the goalkeeper.

Goal area line - The line that defines the goal area; also called the "six-meter line".

Goal net - A net attached to the goalposts in a way that the ball cannot rebound or pass through the goal.

Goalkeeper throw - When the ball crosses the outer goal line a goalkeeper throw is awarded.

Goalkeeper's restraining line - A line four meters from the goal line that marks the limit where a goalkeeper may advance to defend against a penalty throw; also known as the "four-meter line".

Halftime break - 10-minutes break after the first 30 minutes of the game.

Inspecting the playing court - The referees checking the goals and the playing court before the game.

Interruption - Stopping the game.

Joint decision - The referees may consult each other during a game to reach a common decision.

Out of play - When the ball is out of play, the game restarts with a throw corresponding to the reason of the interruption.

Outer goal line - A line marking the end of the court, not including the goal line; also called the "back line”.

Overtime - According to the competition regulations, when a match ends in a draw, an overtime period may follow. This is played in two halves of five minutes with a one-minute break between them.

Personal punishment - Violations to the rule may lead to personal punishment awarded by the referee. This may begin with a warning, followed by more severe punishments such as disqualification, etc.

Players - Members of a team taking part in the game.

Playing court - Area where the game is played.

Passive play - Keeping the ball in a team's possession without making a recognisable attempt to attack and score.

Playing time - Two halftimes of 30 minutes.

Public scoreboard clock - A clock usually fixed on the wall of the sports hall where the spectators can see the results and the playing time.

Re-enter - A player that has been punished with a two-minute suspension is allowed to enter the playing court again.

Referees - A person in charge of a game who has to make sure that the rules are followed.

Sanction - Any form of penalization by the referee.

Save - The goalkeeper stops a shot with hands, legs or any other body part.

Scoreboard clock with automatic signal - The board fixed on the wall that shows the score and signals at the end of 30 and 60 minutes.

Score - The result of the game.

Serving a 2-minute suspension - The player stays on the substitution bench for two minutes after receiving a suspension.

Sideline - The line that marks the side of the playing court.

Substitution - Player entering the court to replace a teammate. A substitution may not be made until the other player has left the court. Players must enter and leave the playing area on their own half of the court and inside the substitution area.

Substitution line - Line that marks the area where the substitutions are allowed.

Suspension - Form of personal punishment, a 2-minute suspension.

Team - A unit of players with a maximum number of 14 on the match report.

Team official - A person representing the team, registered in the match report.

Throw in - When the ball leaves the playing court on the sides, a throw in is to be taken from the sideline.

Throw-off - A throw taken from the centre line to start the game or restart after a goal.

Timekeeper and scorekeeper - People sitting at the jury table responsible for measuring the time and registering the scores for the match report.

Team time-out - Each team can call a 1-minute time-out in both halftimes of the game. This can be done by the team official putting the green card on the jury table when the team is in ball possession.

Uniform - A set of clothes worn by all court players of a team to differentiate themselves from the goalkeeper and from the opponent team.

Unsportsmanlike conduct - Physical and verbal expressions that are incompatible with the spirit of good sportsmanship are regarded as constituting unsportsmanlike conduct.

Warning - Yellow card punishment awarded by the referee as a first measure of progressive punishment.

Whistle for the throw-off - The referee gives the signal to start the game.

Whistle signal - Signal of the referee.


Accident and health insurance - Coverage by contract for cases of injuries.

Accreditation - A pass that officials, team members, media representatives, etc. receive to move freely in certain areas of the sports hall.

Administration - Arrangements and tasks undertaken to guarantee the game or event organization.

Announcement - Information released by officials.

Appeal - Process for requesting a formal change to an official decision.

Arbitration regulations - The rules and process of the resolution of disputes.

Arena details - Information and data on the playing hall.

Arrival - The exact time that the teams or officials reach the venue.

Banquet - A formal event for the participants of a tournament, usually as a closing act.

Briefing - Any of the meetings between the officials and the local organizers (e.g. key personnel meeting, security briefing or meeting the floor manager).

Changing rooms - The rooms in the playing hall where the players can change before and after the games.

Competitions - An organized event (cup or tournament) where club teams or national teams take part.

Complaints - An official communication from participants stating problems concerning a matter.

Cross matches - Games taking place after Main Round (e.g. the winners of the groups play against the second ranked teams of the other group).

Daily bulletin - Results and statistics of the match day published in a booklet at the end of it.

Deadline - A time and date by which something is to be done.

Delegates - Officials carrying out tasks of event supervision. EHF delegates are observers and supervisors.

Departure - Date and time of participating teams and officials leaving the venue of the game or tournament.

Doping control - Random drug testing for performance enhancing substances in the organism of athletes.

Draw - The procedure of pairing teams and deciding about the competition schedule.

Event venue - The place where the event or tournament takes place.

Expenses for board and lodging - Money spent on accommodation and food.

Feedback - Information and evaluation provided about an event or a game afterwards.

Finals - The last and decisive games of a competition.

Finances - Budgetary questions of a competition or event.

First aid - The provision of basic treatment for an injured player immediately after an injury.

Flooring - The material that covers the surface of the playing court.

Food and beverage for teams - Nutriments provided for the athletes.

General provisions - Basic infrastructure conditions and facilities.

Insurance - Coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified losses.

Introductory meeting - Key-personnel meeting; a meeting between EHF representatives and local organizers.

Know how - Theoretical knowledge of a certain task.

Language command - The ability to communicate with the officials and organizers in a commonly spoken language.

Main round - Competition phase; usually games after the Group Phase.

Match follow up - Post-match tasks, such as sending the result to the EHF, finalization of match report or feedback to the referees.

Match report - The official document containing the list of participants, the score, the remarks of the referees, etc. The match report is done by the officials seated at the jury table.

Media workplaces - An isolated section of the spectators’ area with seats and tables provided for the press to carry out their work.

Medical room - A suitable room where the medical treatment can take place.

Nationality - The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization.

Nomination - Appointing officials and referees for a certain event or game.

Obligations - Duties, responsibilities.

Official events and representation - Events organized during an event for the participants.

Organizer - An association, federation or a club granting the venues and the frameworks for a tournament.

Participants - Athletes, officials and referees taking part at the event or game.

Physical conditions - The status of fitness of a player.

Placement matches - Games played to determine the final ranking of teams.

Playing eligibility in a certain competition - The status whether an athlete fulfils all conditions to take part in a game or competition.

Playing hall - The venue of the match.

Preliminary round - The initial phase of a tournament with all teams competing.

Pre-match conversation - A kind of briefing between the delegate and the referees prior to the game.

Press conference - An official event organised for the press with the participation of the team coaches and player(s) where the media can ask their questions regarding the game.

Press facilities - The infrastructure provided for the media, e.g. tables, computers, internet, etc.

Prizes - The awards won by the teams, e.g. medals, money.

Post match procedure - A short official ceremony at the end of the game (not necessarily after every game).

Protest and appeals - Official complaint about irregularities experienced during a game, made by a team.

Qualification - Games played to decide which teams can take part in a competition.

Referee guidance - Advice and directions given to the referees by senior refereeing experts, mentors; or also the observer’s help given for the referees during the game.

Referee observation - Officials controlling the job done by the referees.

Right of participation - Condition under which a team are eligible to take part at an event.

Safety and security - Conditions to be guaranteed for the participants of an event or game to secure that they are not in danger.

Semi-finals - One of the two games played to decide who will take part in the final of a tournament or competition.

Smoking ban - Prohibition of smoking in an area, e.g. inside the sports halls.

Spectators - People watching the sports event inside the sports hall.

Supervision - Official control.

Technical infrastructure - All the equipment guaranteed for a smooth organization of a game or event, e.g. computers, loudspeakers, etc.

Technical Meeting - An event preceding the match(es) where the officials and team officials check and agree on technical details, such as the clothing or the team lists, etc.

Tickets - Entry passes allowing the holder to take a seat in the spectators’ area.

Training schedule - A document containing the times of the training sessions of all the teams of a competition.

Travel expenses - The travel costs of officials.

TV, radio, film, video and advertising rights - Various legal entitlement, e.g. to broadcast the games in TV, to show pictures in print media, to broadcast the games on radio, or to place advertisement on and around the playing court.

Venue - The sports hall where a game takes place.

VIP area - An area or room separated for special guests, usually offering special hospitality services.

Visa costs - Costs of the permission to enter the country.

Younger age categories - Various competition categories for players below the age of 19 for women and 20 for men.